I spent a lot of time over the winter remodeling both my bathroom (finally!) and my art show booth. I must say that while I feel the redesign of the booth has been a real success, continued use has illuminated new drawbacks. I imagine that in a year or two, it will undergo a major revision again.
Here are some before and after photos of my booth set-up. The new set-up was done in a warehouse in January (it being cold and snowy at the time) and isn't quite finished since a few items related to the panels hadn't been delivered yet. The new panel layout puts earrings and pendants at eye-level, and indeed, my sales of earrings have increased a lot. I also make more types of earrings, so the variety has also seemed to increase sales.
I just bought a new Trimline canopy, so when I get a nice sunny day with no wind, I will take some photos of the "real" new set-up. More to come!

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